Scatterplot matrix description
Our tool compares a set of types of data. For each data pair, it creates a scatter plot and finally a matrix is drawn.
In the example is drawn a scatter plot matrix based on six types of data: investments, investors, investment amount, funding date, number of articles, number of employees.
Thus it showed a 6×6 square matrix with 30 scatter plots, which are the combination of all six types of data.
Scatterplot matrix
Our tool compares a set of types of data. For each data pair, it creates a scatter plot and finally a matrix is drawn.
In the example is drawn a scatter plot matrix based on six types of data: investments, investors, investment amount, funding date, number of articles, number of employees.
Thus it showed a 6×6 square matrix with 30 scatter plots, which are the combination of all six types of data.